Headache and Migraine.

Stuart has been attending Dean Watson courses and believes that the Dean Watson method for assessment and treatment of headache and migraine is the best way a physiotherapist can assess and treat headache and migraine. Read more on the Watson Headache® Approach.

Stuart attended the both the Watson Headache® Institute 3 day Leve1 Foundation and the 2 day Level 2 Consolidation Headache Courses titled “The Role of C1-C3 Cervical Afferents in Primary Headache”. Both the courses were held, in Sydney during 2017 and were presented by Dr Dean Watson, Australian Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. For further information, please visit this link.

Both courses are based on the Watson Headache® Approach, a protocol for the skilled assessment and management of the upper cervical (neck) spine in headache and migraine conditions. The Watson Headache® Approach is recognised as a scientifically researched method of examination and treatment.

The Watson Headache® Approach can confirm if disorders in the upper neck are responsible for headache or migraine and determine the exact nature of the disorder as well as which spinal joints are involved. There is no guesswork and no cracking or manipulation. It’s unique and powerful feature involves temporary reproduction and resolution (easing) of usual head pain. For further information, go to this link.

Headache and migraine is a broad term referring to symptoms usually pains from the head and neck region. These symptoms may be helped by addressing the upper neck reducing any applicable sensitisation that has occurred in the brain stem.

It should be noted that there are many contributing factors to most headache and migraine presentations and it is good to have a team approach where the physiotherapist, general practitioner, dietician, nutritionist, neurologist and psychologist might all play an important role.

Bookings can be made with Stuart or call the UC Physio office today on 55 618 111 to make an appointment.